Adult Services

The Ballston Community Public Library offers a range of resources, services, and programs for adult patrons. Our Adult Services Librarian is available to help you find credible information, answer technology questions, and provide customized reading recommendations in a range of genres and formats.

To receive digital copies of our free, twice-a-month newsletter with news and announcements of upcoming events, use this link to sign-up.

Visit our events calendar to see all our offerings this month and to register for programs.

Upcoming Adult Programs

register online for the Memoir Writing workshop offered by Mary Sanders Shartle at Class meets Thursdays at noon from March 20 through April 24.

In April, Judy's book club is reading The Sequel by Jean Hanff Korelitz. Chapter Chat is reading When Ghosts Come Home by Wiley Cash. The Nonfiction Addiction club is reading Taste by Stanley Tucci.

The short fiction workshop meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 6 pm

Don LaPlant, Head of Adult Services and Circulation


Phone: 518-399-8174, ext. 8

Fax: 518-399-1687